Pocket Novel Notes That I Left In My Other Pocket

I realised today that there were a few things missing from yesterday’s post!

Firstly, here’s Sally’s take on her Inaugural Pocket Novel Workshop, and a selection of her posts on writing pocket novels can be found here (this link will only display most recent – click on ‘older poosts’ at the bottom to go back and see her previous posts on the topic). Meanwhile you can find guidelines for My Weekly Pocket novels on Womag’s blog here, plus some animated discussion about the fees and new longer length.

If you want to subscribe to pocket novels, you can do so here directly from publishers DCThomson, although it may be worth shopping around the magazine sub sites.

And finally a shout for The Pocketeers, a new blog all about pocket novels (surprise surprise!) – a joint venture by Sally and fellow pocket novelists Cara Cooper, Chrissie Loveday, Noelene Jenkinson, Carol Maclean, Kate Allan, Patricia Keyson and Fenella Miller. Well worth following if the topic interests you.

Happy Reading!

And still I forgot something (she says, updating quickly). At Sally’s workshop I met Bea, who blogs very movingly about her life as a carer for her mother here, and also Keith Havers, a fellow 100 Stories for Queensland author who blogs here about his writerly adventures. Do pop over for a visit (or else, LOL). Oh and also visit the blog of Carol Bevitt, who made me giggle whilst I was there too (didn’t realise you blogged Carol, but just found you!)

2 thoughts on “Pocket Novel Notes That I Left In My Other Pocket”

  1. Thanks for the mention Alison – the blog is shaping up nicely and hopefully has lots of useful stuff for writers not just of pocket novels, but for writers generally.

    • No problem 🙂
      I’d not really thought of writing pocket novels until ‘following’ Sally through writing a couple of hers – that’s what made me go to her workshop. I’ve got several other things on the boil, though, and as Sally could tell you I certainly didn’t consider romance my forte! I did confess to her that whenever I consider writing a romance, I panic – or should I say did! I could never think of a proper plot because my brain froze when I ‘had’ to centre it round a romance! But I think that workshop might have cured me… 😉

      BTW viewers, Cara’s own blog is here


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